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ES2DR - Epidemic Sound to DaVinci Resolve#

What is ES2DR?#

Its a simple tool (Direfox Extension + Python middle man) that allows you to import Epidemic Sound tracks direclty into DaVinci Resolve + saves them into a folder of your choice.


This is heavily work in progress, so expect bugs and issues and missing features.

How to install it?#

  • Go to the release pager: releases page
  • Click on the .xdi file
    • Firefox will promt you to install the extension

Now download the from the same page and extract it somewhere.


Required is Python3 and the websockets module. You can install it with pip install websockets.

Before running the server, you need to edit the file. (Will be changed in the future). Open the file and change the path variable to the path of the desired folder where the tracks should be saved. (Like an audio database - the files will remain after closing the script/davinci/project)

Now you can run the file. Its still a lillte buggy, maybe you have to go to the Firefox extention settings and restart it, to make it connect. (Or click a few times the extention icon to start downloading, it should try to reconnect and start downloading/importing) If you are on windows the start.bat will start the server. You cann create a shortcut to it and put it on your desktop.

How to use it?#

Go to any Track page or playlist/album page on Epidemic Sound and click the EStDR icon in your browser. IT will download all Tracks into the folder and imports them into the mediapool.


You can also rightlick a track link (the name), to only download that one.

Planned features#

  • some sort settings - ui? - in the browser/external window?
  • directly import into timeline?
  • Better docs -> short gif?
  • Better error handling
  • Auto updates

Last update: 2023-03-09
Created: 2022-11-11