How can I contribute?
You can contribute by submitting a pull request/issue/discussion to the GitHub repository. If you're not familiar with GitHub, you can also submit your contribution by discord on the IRL PRO DISCORD in the #Knowledgebase thread. click me after joining the discord, to find the thread easy
What can I contribute?
Basically anything,
- Typos
- New content (e.g. new phone tests, guides, improvements)
How do I add a Phone?
You can add a phone by creating a new markdown file in the docs/Phones
directory. The file should be named after the phone model (e.g. G8s.md
) in a subfolder named after the manufacturer (e.g. LG/G8s.md
- good 30fps
# Zenfone 9 - 2022
!!! success "Works great"
- good thing :fontawesome-solid-caret-up:{ .good }
- average :fontawesome-solid-caret-right:{ .mid }
- bad :fontawesome-solid-caret-down:{ .bad }
After the front matter, you can add the content of the phone test. (view the LG G8s for an example)